Association History

A Berube family committee decided to create the “Association des familles Bérubé Inc.” on a Sunday in the summer of 1983.

The Association and its regional subdivisions have many achievements to their credit. Amongst them the great Bérubé Assembly in Rivière-Ouelle in July 1988, many regional meetings, including some outside of Québec, a few trips to Normandy and the trimestral publication titled Le Monde Berrubey. We can ask to the list:

  • Two books about our History (Volume 1 of Les Bérubé d’hier et d’aujourd’hui is sold out)
  • A cookbook
  • A joint gathering with the Soucy Family in 2004 to commemorate our common ancestor Jeanne Savonnet; a plaque was unveiled in his honor
  • The celebration of the Association’s 25th anniversary in 2009

The Association Is a member of the Fédération des associations de familles du Québec (FAFQ) which succeeded in 2014 the Fédération des familles souches du Québec born in March 1984. The AFB was the 21th to become a member of the Federation.