As of this writing, we are already in the middle of summer and less than a month away from our 38th annual meeting. Our 37th meeting was held in St-Arsène on September 9, 2023, and attracted more than a hundred participants. These are no longer big gatherings like in the past, but it is still pleasant for me to get to know other Berubes.
Some may wonder what interest there is in keeping our association alive more than forty years after its founding. As long as it exists, it remains possible to find answers to questions that have sometimes been raised for a long time. For example, I received from France this month a small book written in 1899 which focuses on the town of Limésy, where the parents of our common ancestor Damian who came to America in 1671 were born and where his grandparents even lived. In addition to the family names present in our genealogy, we find information in it on a Jean and a Pierre Berrubé who lived there in 1626, information which allows us to understand a little better their social status and the path of their descendants.
This is a subject that we will be able to explore in greater depth in future issues of our magazine Le Monde Berrubey (LMB). I have also obtained recently from the British archives the will of John Berby, which dates from 1464. There is enough information in it to affirm that this merchant from London, already active in Antwerp in 1421, is indeed a Berube, another great subject for the LMB.
If you wish to follow and support our association, you will find on the present site a membership form which some prefer to consider rather as their subscription to the magazine Le Monde Berrubey, published four times a year. According to several testimonials received, this alone is worth it.
Michel Bérubé , #0338, President
Updated: August 5, 2024